今回は、 ビカクシダ の育て方について、基本的なことを書いてみようと思います。
I would write about basic things of how to grow platycerium.
This tip is how to in the Japanese climate,so be careful it may not fit to other climate area.
― 水 ―
Water enough the plant when the bottom part of the sphagnum moss which the plant is settled on dried completely,by showering or dipping in the water.
Complete dried sphagnum moss is hardly to suck the water,so be carefully when you water it by showering.
Do not water it again until it gets dried completely again the bottom of the sphagnum moss part.
This is the trick to make them grow well, to get a contrast of wet and dry.
Be careful not to water too much in Japanese climate,it may rot the roots.
In the cold season such as winter,it is better not to water much as in the warm season,and better to water in the day time when the tempreture is higher,
― 光 ―
Bright but not direct sun light is the best.
If you keep the plants inside,using grow light to add light in the winter time is also recommended.
― 風 ―
Playtcerium loves wind and it helps to keep the envirinment better for them.
It may get stuffy if there is not enough wind especially in humid Japanese summer,so keep them in a well-ventilated place.
It is also good to hang them on under the eaves with no direct sunlight during the daytime to get good winds.
― 気温 ―
About the minimum air tempreture,it is better to keep over 15℃ for those species from south east asia which likes high tempreture such as p.ridleyi and others.
For the other species, they may get over the winter if you keep them inside in the Japanese environment.
Some of the stronger species may get over the winter in colder environment,but basically use this as a guide.
About the maximum air tempreture,you don’t need to be careful in the normal condition of Japanese summer,but it may get stuffy with the humidity so keep it well ventilated and try to keep better environment.
― 湿度 ―
Depends on the climate of their origin,some of the species like high tempreture and high humidity while the others not.
Especially p.andinum which is from south america, like relatively cool and well ventilated environment.
Those from oceania especially p.veitchii is strong to dry high tempreture.
Better to learn how the weather of their origin and try to keep the similar environment for each species.
― 栄養 ―
To give proper amount of fertilizer and vitalizer at proper point help the growth of plants.
Better to give them at growth period of spring and autumn in Japanese climate.
There are various types such as liquid,powder,and solid.Try any type which is easy for you to try.
Liquid type is easier to arrange the timing, so it may be with less failure and recommended.
写真は、東京店 「 vandaka plants GALLERY TOKYO 」 の様子。
The picture is of our shop in Tokyo, ‘ vandaka plants GALLERY TOKYO ‘ .
Photo by Nao Takahashi.